Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Its a two way "ahhh" really. One being the pulling ones hair out as they are about to change jobs ahhhh and the other is the one you have after an hour long massage. They seem to be balancing one another right now.
Let me explain. See, I'm changing jobs starting next week, though staying at the same agency, with the same job title. I'll just work with different people and have a different reporting chain. It's all good and a chance to increase my knowledge base.

The massage sigh? Yes, the Tall Guy set up an hour long massage for me this evening at a spa as a birthday gift. It was perfect and much needed. Monday I turned 29, which I know isn't that old, but seems like an old number to me this year. I'm okay with it though, as its a year of big and good changes. (And, for the last time, peanut gallery, there will be no babies!!!!)
So, what have I been up to this week? Well, some knitting has happened. Monday night we had a few people over and the Tall Guy cooked and I drank wine, so knitting+wine are not a good combo... yesterday, we were on-call to court as witnesses (and were never called) for the whole man-on-the-car incident, so I worked from home and managed to get a few rows in on this sock. Once I tried it on, I realized it may be a bit big for me. Thankfully, I know just the feet these will work for, and am getting a jump start on holiday/fall birthdays knitting. Wahhooo!

And, last week, I ordered some mill ends of Lorna's Laces Sheppard Sport from Jimmy Beans. Here's one all wound up. I think it will be a fairly simple sock that I may put a little cable into. Nothing too wild..

Annie likes it best when you hold the bone for her to chew on. She's a teamwork sort of dog.

Now, off to continue enjoying my relaxed state, I'm sure tomorrow will be another crazy day at work as I wrap up loose ends.

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