Let me explain. See, I'm changing jobs starting next week, though staying at the same agency, with the same job title. I'll just work with different people and have a different reporting chain. It's all good and a chance to increase my knowledge base.
The massage sigh? Yes, the Tall Guy set up an hour long massage for me this evening at a spa as a birthday gift. It was perfect and much needed. Monday I turned 29, which I know isn't that old, but seems like an old number to me this year. I'm okay with it though, as its a year of big and good changes. (And, for the last time, peanut gallery, there will be no babies!!!!)
So, what have I been up to this week? Well, some knitting has happened. Monday night we had a few people over and the Tall Guy cooked and I drank wine, so knitting+wine are not a good combo... yesterday, we were on-call to court as witnesses (and were never called) for the whole man-on-the-car incident, so I worked from home and managed to get a few rows in on this sock. Once I tried it on, I realized it may be a bit big for me.
And, last week, I ordered some mill ends of Lorna's Laces Sheppard Sport from Jimmy Beans. Here's one all wound up. I think it will be a fairly simple sock that I may put a little cable into.
Annie likes it best when you hold the bone for her to chew on. She's a teamwork sort of dog.
Now, off to continue enjoying my relaxed state, I'm sure tomorrow will be another crazy day at work as I wrap up loose ends.
I would call that a lazy sort of dog ;)