These past few days, I've been a bit knitting schizophrenic, bouncing between the socks, my gathered pullover, a random lace project with a mystery mohair (below)
and obsessing on Ravelry about what I'm going to knit for my "wedding shawl". You may remember me talking about earlier in the spring/winter. I finally came to a conclusion on that this week. The yarn is here. (Info on the yarn here)
The pattern is picked out. Its completely non traditional and not white. This means, I'll actually wear it again and the mixing of a white in addition to my dress won't be a concern. The needles came in this afternoon, so I think I'll cast on tonight. It's a morning ceremony, so I don't think it will be cold, but you never know New England! If nothing else, I'll wear it that night at the after-party!
Tomorrow, I'm off to San Francisco for the holiday weekend to see my bestest friend. This seems to be the only non wedding (ours or others) or family related trip I have on the agenda until I have no idea when. It will be a fun weekend of relaxing, seeing some west-coast-based friends and going to a baseball game amongst other things. Yay!
And I leave you with a calm looking Annabelle. For the past hour or so, as I've been writing for work, she has continusouly swatted at me and the keyboard trying to get me to play with her. The second the camera comes out, she plays dead and acts like she isn't a complete nut job. Gotta love it.
aw.. she's so peaceful. Have fun in SF!