I decided that before I treat myself by casting on the sweater, I had some unfinished business to attend to.
First, as a terrible step-daughter, I had not yet completed the gift that I was supposed to bring to NH with me in February... my Step Mom is scheduled to be here for work next week, and I hope to give her a "now-spring-weight-Rowan Kidsilk Haze that is so annoying to work with that I want to poke my eyes out with the size seven needles" scarf. (above)
Its true, this started out as a scarf for me, but the more I knit, the more I realized that she deserves a soft and light scarf like this and nearly everything I own is this colour anyway. My knitting is often a zen-like process where what goes on the needles doesn't always end up in the hands of the person for which it was originally intended.
Also off of my "to do list" was another Ipod cozy, this time for Kevin. This is another one of gifts that was intended for the holiday. I know the flowers are starting to come up, I'm still cool with my belatedness. Boy colours for a boy. Vintage button as always.
Back to finishing a scarf and continuing to organize my yarn. Ziploc bags are my savior.
i was wondering what all those ziplocks were for. Might I recommend creating a donation service for yarn on your site? The Tower o Yarn that currently looms over your kitchen table could keep a small village busy for at least a month.