Saturday, February 23, 2008

boxes, clothing and yarn... oh my

I'm currently camped out on the Tall Guy's bed in the midst of a lot of boxes and packing materials as its sort of like the "Home Base" in a game of lava from when you were little. (Admittedly, I loved these sorts of games from childhood).
I've escaped my own house for the day because, even though my brain is fine, sometimes its really stressful to be in a non feng shui sort of place for long periods of time.

In the meantime, I've started a new project... I kept looking at this half finished sock, feeling like it wouldn't be good socks. I kept thinking that while I love love love socks, should I really use this yarn with all its silky-goodness on my feet when I could put it somewhere more visible? Well, in the light of my lost chevron, I decided this may make a good scarf. So far, so good, I'd say.
This picture just cracks me up, so I had to share. Annie doesn't appear to have an aggressive bone in her body. Until recently, she also had no idea what to do with a rawhide bone. Well, this week, we finally got her chewing on one and she's hooked. The problem is, the bone is pretty big for her so she had trouble getting it all in her mouth at once, thus resulting in some pretty amusing facial expressions. What can I say, I'm easily entertained.

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