Monday, June 23, 2008

home to do laundry

The Tall Guy and I got home today from Michigan. We're here for a week before we head up to NH for the 4th and a family party there. Whew!
I have no photos of anything to show you, not even, at the moment, of the cutest peanut ever (aka my future niece).
I did check out a yarn shop in Grosse Point Park called Artisan Knitworks. The Tall Guy was kind enough to come to a screeching halt when I spotted the shop out of the side of eye as we did a windshield tour of Detroit. Awesome shop. It had yarn I've never seen outside of Maryland Sheep and Wool. Pretty sweet, if you ask me, if that's your local store. I'll show you photos of it soon. I promise.
Now, I'm going to hug my dog and finish watching a movie.

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